Record the value of the Client ID and Client secret.
Go to the root directory of the fcj-book-store-sam-ws7 project that you downloaded before.
Open the template.yml file at the root folder and change the value of cognitoClientID and cognitoClientSecret with your recorded value in the previous step.
Type: StringDefault: 5fvkqik6cd87mqrfa7m3qg46j0# Your Client IDcognitoClientSecret:
Type: StringDefault: smz277rcfj11eal321ffbnh59kw# Your Client secret
Open your terminal at the root directory of the fcj-book-store-sam-ws7 project and run the following code.
git add .
git commit -m "Change the value of Client ID and Client secret"git push
At the tab in your web browser from the last previous step, click Register button on the upper right corner of the screen.
At FCJ Book Store - Register page.
Enter information to register an account: email, password and re-validate password.
Click the Register button.
Open the email you register, then find the message from to get verify code.
Back to Verify Email page.
Enter the verify code at the Verify code.
Click the Submit button.
At the FCJ Book Store - Login page.
Enter your account information: Email and Password to login.
Click the Submit button.
So we just registered and logged in successfully. Next, we will test the adding a new book function.
Click the Create new book tab.
Enter ID: 1.
Enter book name: Python Coding.
Enter author: Doan Minh Phung.
Enter category: IT.
Enter price: 5.6.
Enter description: Guide to basic of Python in real projects.
Click the Choose File and select PythonCoding.jpeg that downloaded.
Click the Create button.
Then click the OK button.
Back to the Homepage, we can see A new book has been added to the database.
We have completed the workshop, already know how to create the SAM pipeline and pipeline using the console. Next workshop we learn about debugging, monitoring AWS Lambda with AWS CloudWatch and AWS X-ray.